Age and gender of prostitutes in The Netherlands
How many prostitutes there are in the Netherlands is unknown. Estimates range from 10.000 to 30.000 prostitutes. Research done by the Dutch government among 363 prostitutes however indicates that the majority of the prostitutes are female, and a smaller portion male and transgender.
Source: WODC research 2014, Dutch Ministry of Justice and Safety
The research done among prostitutes show most prostitutes are in the age between 21-29 years old, quickly followed by 30-39 years old and 40-49 years old. Only very few prostitutes where between 18-20 years old. In most types of prostitution the avarage age is between 30-39 years old. Window prostitutes and escorts are usually a little younger, between 21-29 years old, and prostitutes working in erotic massage salons or home a little older, between 40-49 years old.
Source: WODC research 2014, Dutch Ministry of Justice and Safety
The average age of entry in prostitution in The Netherlands is 28. Window prostitutes enter the industry the youngest, around 25 years old averagely. Prostitutes working in erotic massage salons enter the industry the oldest, around 36 years old averagely.
Source: WODC research 2014, Dutch Ministry of Justice and Safety
Only 4% of the prostitutes in The Netherlands entered prostitution under the age of 18, with 14 being the youngest age mentioned. The older age of entering prostitution was 58 years old. Most prostitutes enter the industry somewhere between 21-30 years old.
Source: WODC research 2014, Dutch Ministry of Justice and Safety
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